Free Speech min
Freedom of Speech

Topic Primer

We want to see a public square where the right of all people to speak, write and express themselves freely is upheld, including those whose views are not popular with the powerful in society.

Together, we can champion freedom of speech and expression for all, including the freedom to share our Christian beliefs, and encourage respectful dialogue on every issue in life.


Is free speech under threat in the UK?

In this discussion, CARE's James Mildred hosts a conversation with Chief Executive Nola Leach and Chairman, Rev Lyndon Bowring on the state of free speech in the UK.

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Recent freedom of speech news


PM warns of “chilling effect” of cancel culture

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has warned of the “chilling effect” of “shutting down people’s views and making people fear speaking out”, and has spoken about the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence on the media industry.

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Police outside venue

Belgium police shut down conservative conference

Pro life vigil

Silent prayer might still be permitted outside abortion clinics

Police officers in high-viz jackets policing a demonstration

Former Senior Judge: Hate Crime Act is 'unworkable'

JK Rowling

JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate-speech law