Our Vision

At CARE, our vision is to see Politics Renewed and Lives Transformed. We believe that politics and government, at their best, can be a real force for good in our nation.

Our conviction at CARE is that the Bible speaks a better story into our broken world for all society, and that through engaging with politics, and helping it to be as good as it can be, we can begin to see a society where everyone flourishes as God intends them to.

Who we are thumb

Listen to our vision.

What we do

  • Engagechurch 1

    Engaging the Church

    The Church is God’s action plan for changing the world! We help you think through the big issues by keeping you up to date with the news, providing you with resources, and sending speakers into churches across the UK.

  • Equippoliticians 1

    Equipping Politicians

    We want to bless our political leaders! Our Policy Team are hard at work conducting research, producing briefings and drafting speeches for MPs and Peers of all political persuasions and faith backgrounds.

  • Empowerleaders 1

    Empowering Future Leaders

    We long to see a new generation of Christian leaders! Our Leadership Programme provides young Christian graduates with the chance to experience a study programme and an internship in Parliament or with a leading NGO.

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Speaking God's Better Story into a Broken World

  • Learn the Story

    Here to learn more about a particular issue? We work with theologians, commentators and pastors and our Content Hub hosts all the material you could need on the biggest debates in our society today!
  • Teach the Story

    We want to equip you to communicate God’s better story to others, whether in your church or small group. From Preacher’s Toolkits to Online Courses, and Bible Studies to Prayer Resources, there’s something here for everyone.
  • Live the Story

    There are lots of ways you can get involved! Whether it’s writing to your MP, coming to a CARE event or keeping in touch via our Weekly Email, we long to support you and to work with you!
    Get Involved

Recent News

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    Marriage and Family

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