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Gambling week 26 Aug 8
Prayers about problem gambling

Saviour, please strengthen the resolve of anyone struggling to control a gambling habit and experiencing serious problems with their finances, relationships and mental health. May they find the support and strategies they need to recover all that was lost.


Oth­er pray­er points

  • Pray about the rapid growth of gambling via the internet. Pray that ways to regulate and control online gambling will be found, so that operators will be obliged to bide by codes of conduct and exercise social responsibility.
  • Father, we intercede for adults and children who have become addicted to gambling. Please help them to admit to their problem and find the support they need to stop gaming, repay debt and deal with underlying problems in their lives. Amen.
  • Pray that the Government will take more decisive action to help the increasing numbers of problem gamblers, many of whom are underage and very vulnerable. Remember the work of GamCare, Gamblers Anonymous and other agencies concerned with this issue.
  • Loving Lord, we lift to You all those who live with a compulsive gambler and are affected by the financial and psychological consequences of this problem. Please grant Your healing and hope, and lead them to find the support they need. In Christ’s name. Amen.
  • Ask God to equip every counsellor who is helping people in debt because of a gambling addiction. Pray especially for staff and volunteers in Christian centres as they prayerfully encourage clients to make a fresh start and give up unhelpful habits.
Gambling 2 min

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