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Understanding Assisted Suicide

At CARE we don't believe in assisted suicide, but what does the Bible actually say? And what lessons can we learn from Canada, Oregon and elsewhere?
Primer thumb 2 1

8. This is another one

Discover the beauty of the desert, where golden sands stretch endlessly and mirages dance on the horizon in the heat of the day.

7. Desert Mirage Two

Step into a winter wonderland, where snow blankets the ground, icicles glisten, and the air is filled with the magic of the season.
Scotland holyrood edinburgh

5. Autumn Bliss

Experience the bliss of autumn, with trees ablaze in fiery colors, crisp air, and leaves crunching underfoot, creating a serene ambiance.
Interview podcast microphone

6. winter Wonderland

Step into a winter wonderland, where snow blankets the ground, icicles glisten, and the air is filled with the magic of the season.
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Take Action

Write to a member of the House of Lords

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We’ll provide the contact details for a Lord and talking points so you can send them a message right here from the Care website.

Your action means is better informed and aware of the important issues surrounding this bill.

Why not share the campaign and get more people writing?

We've selected Lord Ahmad as best person to write to right now.

Use the talking points below to craft an email to Lord Ahmad


By signing up stay in touch you agree to receive emails from CARE. You can change your mailing preferences at any time either by getting in touch with CARE, or through the links on any of our emails. Read our full privacy policy


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  • Engagechurch 1

    Engaging the church

    The Church is God’s action plan for changing the world! We help you think through the big issues by keeping you up to date with the news, providing you with resources, and sending speakers into churches across the UK.

  • Equippoliticians 1

    Engaging the church

    The Church is God’s action plan for changing the world! We help you think through the big issues by keeping you up to date with the news, providing you with resources, and sending speakers into churches across the UK.

  • Empowerleaders 1

    Engaging the church

    The Church is God’s action plan for changing the world! We help you think through the big issues by keeping you up to date with the news, providing you with resources, and sending speakers into churches across the UK.

Our Vision

Do you long to see our country transformed?

Have you been praying that the United Kingdom might start to look more like God’s kingdom?

At CARE, our vision is simple: we want to see politics renewed and lives transformed. Some people have already lost trust in politics, believing that our politicians, leaders and governments just let us down and break their promises. And of course politics, like everything else, is tainted by our sin and selfishness.

But at its best, politics can be a force for good. In Romans 13, we read that God appoints governments and gives them responsibility. Yes, good government is God’s idea!
And when politics is working well, and our leaders seek to promote good and restrain evil, we begin to see a society where everyone flourishes as God intends them to, where injustice is challenged and where the powerless are protected.

1. Pray for those who exper­i­ence gender dysphoria

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:29-30

Father God, we pray for everyone who is currently experiencing confusion or distress around their gender and their bodies. We pray that you would bring them comfort and peace in their suffering, and that you would give them wisdom and lead them towards the truth, that their identity is in who you created them to be, and that their bodies are gifts from you as their loving Creator. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

1. Pray for those who exper­i­ence gender dysphoria

Father God, we pray for everyone who is currently experiencing confusion or distress around their gender and their bodies. We pray that you would bring them comfort and peace in their suffering, and that you would give them wisdom and lead them towards the truth, that their identity is in who you created them to be, and that their bodies are gifts from you as their loving Creator. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Take Action

Write to your Member of Parliament

Thank You - Message Sent!

We’ll provide the contact details for a Lord and talking points so you can send them a message right here from the Care website.

Your action means the Member in Parliment is better informed and aware of the important issues surrounding this bill.

Why not share the campaign and get more people writing?

Please write to your MP below, using the template. Feel free to edit this, please be nice-ish!

Your MP is:



By signing up stay in touch you agree to receive emails from CARE. You can change your mailing preferences at any time either by getting in touch with CARE, or through the links on any of our emails. Read our full privacy policy